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When Phil Miranda received the long awaited news from his good friend, and "FREE" internet marketing expert, Joey Kissimmee about the [Mass Marketing Mayhem] internet marketing home study course, Phil Miranda finally knew that a number of online guru marketers were going to be very upset, about the secrets that Joey Kissimme would reveal to the world in his downloadablehome study course along with 30 videos sharing years of proven, effective marketing tactics that generated both Phil Miranda and Joey Kissimmee combined, hundreds of thousands of dollars online, all with the free methods found within the Mass Marketing Mayhem course.

Even, Phil Miranda was a bit hesistant in revealing too much to the online world about certain free marketing techniques that Joey, and Phil have been utilizing for years to generate a constant flow of money to what ever niche market these two guys desire to target, yet deep down inside Phil Miranda knew that Joey was doing the right thing in not only revealing these well guarded secrets, but Phil Miranda also felt that the years of trial, error, and disappointment, would finally come to an abrupt, yet welcomed end for many newbie, and even some experienced markerters, whom have a very difficult time not only generating targeted traffic to their sites, but the fact that these struggling fellow marketers were losing a lot of money too, following so called "gurus" who would only fatten their pockets by keeping such folks under their wing for so long and not sharing the secrets found within a course like the Mass Marketing Mayhem.


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